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The Ultimate Designer

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

We love Milton Glaser. What a remarkable legacy. Milton Glaser was the ultimate no baseliner with his incredible and unique contribution to design and creative thinking. To better reflect, please review this curated collection of articles and reference material (Milton Glaser 101).

"Looking back over Glaser’s colorful, textured career, it becomes clear how anemic the dominant commercial graphic design of the twenty-tens has been. Lately, we’ve experienced a wave of flattened, pastel-colored, thinly outlined graphics for every Silicon Valley startup, from Casper to Away, Uber, and Hinge. Generic humans are seen undertaking tasks made convenient by the companies’ apps; the aesthetic promotes a seamlessness that separates us from worldly concerns like surveillance, ethics, or politics. The illustrations encourage us to consume rather than to think, let alone to think twice. They do not, in the slightest, take responsibility for what they are communicating, as Glaser mandated. Graphic design alone can’t solve problems, but it can help push us out of a stultifying conformity."

"Mr. Glaser’s designs could be amusing, even outright comic, but his wit and invention were undergirded by a profound seriousness about the history of art and the power of design. Long before Google Images made it child’s play to discover and redeploy the figurative language of earlier centuries, Mr. Glaser imbibed the art of the past as widely as he could, and exhaled it into posters, logos, book covers and typefaces that scampered across eras and styles. Here we’ve collected some highlights from his epically eclectic oeuvre, where Dürer mingled with Duchamp, Islamic ornament with African textiles — all with a vibrancy that was unmistakably New York."

Be inspired by Milton Glaser's Words to Live by on his website including these thoughtful excerpts:

“Logic is not as powerful as intuition”

“Less is not necessarily more”

“Tell the Truth”

“Doubt is better than Certainty”

We will always remember him. Please share your thoughts.

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